Register on Gearrilla

If you’d rather earn money from your unused outdoor equipment than let it gather extra layers of dust, you just have to register as a lender with us. You can either do this directly after general registration at the bottom left of the screen, or by clicking on "Add your equipment" at the top of the home page. You’ll then be forwarded to the page where you can register as a lender.

Now you’ll have to fill out your contact and bank account details. - "My contact details again?!" This has nothing to do with us suffering from memory loss or wanting to annoy you with it. We’re only using this process to make sure that your entered details match those of your bank account. Ultimately, we do want to make Gearrilla as safe as possible for all members.

And speaking of security, this is also why we ask you, as the next step, to upload a bank statement (not older than three months). We don’t want to find out whether you're more of a scrimper or a shopaholic. We just want to check whether your bank account really exists. However, this will only necessary when you have reached a turnover of €500 for renting out your equipment with us. Until then, the provision of this information will remain optional for you.

As a third step, you need to upload a picture of your identity card, passport or driver's license (JPG format and no bigger than 1MB) to make sure that not only does your account really exist, but you do too. This will also remain optional for you until you reach a turnover of €5,000.


Add your gear on Gearrilla

After successful registration, you can simply click on "Add your equipment" and you'll be ready to go.

First choose one of our main categories for your equipment and then provide all the important information about the item (brand, size, weight, material, etc.). If you also write a short description, the customers will be able to get an even better idea of your offer.

Here you can also specify whether the item can be reserved immediately for the customers, i.e. whether the booking should be carried out automatically or whether a request should first be sent to you for confirmation.

As a next step, you can set the minimum and maximum number of rental days, as well as the rental price per day. The rental price for the entire rental period must not be less than €15. You can specify another price for the days that extend beyond your specified minimum rental period. If you would like to rent out your equipment for longer, it is recommended that you provide a discount at this point.

The next step is to take photos of your equipment. The more detailed and high-quality your pictures are, the more successful you will be at renting out your equipment. In addition, photos are important as a depiction of the condition of your equipment upon delivery, in case of any damage.

As a fifth and final step, you can now decide whether you would rather send out the item or personally hand it over to the customer. Of course, you can also offer both options. Afterwards, you will get a preview of your offer, which will show how it will be seen later by the community. Check all the details again, read and confirm our general terms and conditions on the right, and you’ll then be able to add your equipment.

When a user books your equipment immediately, you will receive an e-mail with all the booking information, the user's contact information to arrange a handover date, or the delivery address to which it is to be sent.

If you have chosen to only rent out your equipment on request, you will receive a corresponding e-mail requesting approval.

If you have any questions about the lending or rental process, we'll be happy to help you via our chat feature.

We wish you lots of fun renting and earning money on Gearrilla!

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